A New Year: Looking Foward and Back
September 2008
This past year has confirmed my sense that the Jepson School of Leadership Studies is a truly unique place. From Forum events that packed the Jepson Alumni Center to barbecues with students and faculty, from a revised mission statement to hosting four conferences in 2007-08, it was an exciting year.
Our alumni showed great initiative in making strides for some of the programs you will hear more about this coming year, including the 150 Days of Service campaign tat invites alumni and faculty to join a social networking group and report their ommunity service. Leo Thorsness, our 2007-08 leader-in-residence, taught us a ood deal about ethics and leadership. The faculty also began a process of strategic planning. In May they adopted a revised mission statement for the School.
The year was also a productive one for our faculty. With 10 books written or edited by faculty members scheduled to come out this year, it is not an exaggeration to say that Jepson is the leader in leadership studies scholarship. This year we will also add to that strength as two new faculty members, Peter Kaufman and Sungmoon Kim, help us deepen our commitment to international leadership and civic engagement.
We will continue the strategic planning process, setting goals for student, faculty and community engagement. I welcome your input about Jepson’s future. Please feel free to send your thoughts and suggestions to me at speart@richmond.edu.
On a more personal note, I’m looking forward to teaching a cross-listed course in leadership studies and economics: Competition, Cooperation and Choice. I have enjoyed getting to know our students, and teaching will put me in closer contact with them. I am grateful to all who help make the Jepson School a success, and I look forward to the year ahead. It will no doubt be as exciting as the last.
Sandra J. Peart
Dean, Jepson School of Leadership Studies
University of Richmond