The Gary L. McDowell Institute
The Gary L. McDowell Institute is dedicated to its namesake's values and principles: free inquiry, thoughtful deliberation, and rigorous discussion of classical texts and issues in political economy. The Institute welcomes all members of the University of Richmond community and a wide range of political perspectives.
The Institute’s programs, including guest speakers, seminars, and conferences, reflect the commitment of the late Gary L. McDowell, former professor of leadership studies, to drawing on the history of ideas and embracing diverse viewpoints across the faculty and student body to answer the most important questions in ethics, law, and politics.
The Institute is co-directed by Daniel Palazzolo, professor of political science, and Terry L Price, professor of leadership studies and philosophy, politics, economics, and law (PPEL) and Coston Family Chair in Leadership and Ethics.
Although the Institute is housed in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, its cross-school leadership reflects the fact that it serves as a University hub to support the exchange of ideas among faculty and students with diverse perspectives. The Pauley Family Foundation provides generous, ongoing support for the Institute.