Leadership Ethics
The Jepson approach to leadership ethics rests on the assumption that leadership is a subset of ethics rather than the other way around. This assumption derives from understanding the leader-follower relationship as a moral relationship.
Leadership Ethics is the capstone course for Jepson students. Students study prominent ethical theories and analyze ethical problems from a broadened moral perspective. They learn how to critique moral arguments and how to present moral arguments of their own.
The Jepson faculty takes a thorough, wide-ranging approach in teaching Leadership Ethics. Professors aim to expand students' moral point of view by considering personal ethics, leadership and the common good, and ethics in a global community.
This is an applied ethics course. In discussing and writing about case studies, students use philosophic conceptions of ethics to gain insights into the moral problems of real leaders. In addition to their classroom experiences, students often have opportunities to hear world-class speakers and take part in conferences and events that focus on leadership ethics.