Forms and Guides for Current Students
Information below is updated regularly for current Jepson students. Scroll down for information on funding sources, internships, study abroad and transfer credit, research opportunities, etc. Click on any topic to view details, forms (if applicable), and deadlines.
Jepson at Cambridge
Jepson at Cambridge is a summer program in Cambridge, England offered by the Jepson School of Leadership Studies in collaboration with the University of Richmond School of Law. Students spend five weeks studying at Emmanuel College at Cambridge. Courses are taught by Cambridge faculty and are open to enrollment for both undergraduate and law students. More about Jepson at Cambridge.
All leadership studies majors and minors may apply. Although there are no specific criteria for acceptance, students with a strong academic record and an interest in law are particularly well suited for this program.
Application Process
Leadership studies students are invited to attend an information session in the fall semester. Interested students should submit an application together with a non-refundable $150 deposit to Dr. Kristin Bezio by February 15th. Applicants receive an e-mail notification of their application status in March. For those accepted into the program, full payment of all fees (tuition, room and board) is due by May 15. Jepson School scholarship funds may in some cases be applied toward these costs.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: Used to apply to the Jepson at Cambridge summer program.
Deadline: February 15th
Course Registration
Students may utilize the following resources when preparing to register for leadership studies courses:
Grade Appeals
Approved by the Jepson School faculty on April 16, 2012
Final responsibility for assigning grades to students in a course rests with the faculty member teaching that course. Requirements and specific expectations concerning the level and way in which requirements are to be met are specific to a given course; it is inappropriate to expect that evaluations of course work can be made by third parties.
Faculty members are expected to evaluate student performance based on the criteria and requirements outlined in the course syllabi. All students are to be treated impartially and fairly in relation to those requirements. There are two bases for a grade appeal:
- Alleged failure of a faculty member to assign the proper weight as stated in the course syllabus to various parts of the assessment elements that contribute to the final grade
- Alleged prejudicial treatment of a student in relation to the treatment afforded other students in the course
The student should be prepared to demonstrate a direct link between the circumstances of the awarding of his/her grade and one of the bases above.
An appeal cannot be based on a challenge to the difficulty of the course or on strictness of grading. Each faculty member is responsible for these standards, and—so long as they are applied equitably and fairly—their application is not a basis for an appeal.
A student may appeal only the final grade in a course, though the grounds for the complaint may refer to particular assessments.
Should a student have reason to appeal the final grade in a course, the following appeal procedure must be followed in the sequence indicated below with Step 2 completed no more than three calendar weeks from the first day of classes of the following semester:
Step 1. The student first requests, schedules, and attends a face-to-face conference with the faculty member who taught the course to determine whether the matter can be settled between the student and the faculty member. In the event that the student is not on campus or the faculty member is no longer employed at the university, the student should work with the associate dean for academic affairs, who will find an alternative means of communication between the student and the faculty member.
Step 2. After the conference, should the student continue to believe that fair and equitable treatment has not been given, the student must communicate the grounds for the complaint in writing to the faculty member and take the matter to the associate dean for academic affairs. The associate dean for academic affairs will review the student’s complaint and provide feedback on the appropriateness and completeness of the grade appeal.
Step 3. The associate dean for academic affairs will discuss the student’s complaint with the faculty member. If a settlement is not reached after this conversation, the associate dean for academic affairs will ask the faculty member to provide a written response to the student.
Step 4. The academic affairs committee will review the student complaint and the faculty response. The committee may also request additional information and interview the student and faculty member. The academic affairs committee is charged with evaluating such complaints and the evidence on which they are based. Meetings of the academic affairs committee are held in closed session. Should the committee conclude that there are insufficient grounds for a student’s claim of prejudicial or unfair treatment, that finding will be reported to the student and to the faculty member in writing and the matter will be closed. Should the committee determine that there is a basis for a claim, its recommendation will be reported in writing to the dean.
Step 5. The dean is responsible for discussing the findings and recommendation of the academic affairs committee with the faculty member. The dean and the faculty member will develop a resolution of the complaint. Should the grade be changed, the faculty member will report the change to the Registrar’s Office on a change of grade form. The dean will report this action to the student in writing. In cases in which a faculty member refuses to accept the recommendation of the committee and there is reason to believe that the faculty member’s behavior was prejudicial or unfair, the dean may authorize that grade in the course be changed to a “P” or “W”. The dean will have discretion in issuing major or minor credit for the course and will report this decision to the student in writing.
In the case in which a student appeals a grade in a course taught by the associate dean for academic affairs, the associate dean for student and external affairs will carry out the responsibilities of the associate dean for academic affairs. In the case in which a student appeals a grade in a course taught by the dean, the associate dean for academic affairs will carry out the dean’s responsibilities and the associate dean for student and external affairs will take over the duties of the associate dean for academic affairs.
The Jepson School faculty offers a track by which students with a proven academic record of intellectual initiative and scholarly drive can earn honors in leadership studies. The honors track provides students the opportunity to develop a research project on a particular question in the study of leadership and to spend a full academic year working on this project with a Jepson faculty member. Students are expected to engage in rigorous and original research that will enrich and complement their previous study of leadership and contribute to the academic community of the Jepson School. More about the honors track.
- leadership studies major in junior year of study
- cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better
- leadership studies GPA of 3.50 or better
- completion of LDST 399 with satisfactory proposal and formal application approval
Students who meet eligibility requirements are encouraged to express their interest, even if they are currently studying abroad or plan to study abroad in the spring.
Minors who are interested in the honors track must declare a major in leadership studies. Interested students are strongly encouraged to discuss their intent to pursue honors in leadership studies with their academic advisor, a potential faculty supervisor, or the associate dean for academic affairs.
In order to be considered for the honors track, students must declare their interest and reach out to the associate dean for academic affairs.
Students receive notification regarding their application status by e-mail following the completion of LDST 399 and development of a satisfactory senior honors thesis research proposal. Enrollment into LDST 399 does not guarantee acceptance into the honors program; the application is fulfilled as part of the course.
Once accepted to the honors track, students enroll in LDST 497, Senior Honors Thesis I for fall semester of senior year and LDST 498 Senior Honors Thesis II for the spring semester of senior year. (Students planning to study abroad during this semester may discuss alternate arrangements with the associate dean for academic affairs and relevant faculty members.)
More about honors requirements.
Forms and Deadlines
There is no longer an initial formal application for honors track. Students must reach out to Dr. Kristin Bezio, associate dean for academic affairs to be considered for this distinction.
Deadline: October 7 of junior year
Independent, Collaborative, and Directed Study, or Senior Thesis
Students who wish to pursue special projects under the supervision of a Jepson faculty member may request approval to register for independent, collaborative, or directed study. Leadership studies majors may include up to one unit of collaborative or directed study, one unit of independent study, one unit of honors thesis work, or one unit of senior thesis work toward their advanced course requirement.
Independent Study
Independent study allows students to pursue research on their own topic of interest under the supervision of a faculty member.
Both leadership studies majors and minors may apply, but only leadership studies majors may count this coursework toward the advanced course requirement.
Application Process
Independent study proposals must be sponsored by a faculty mentor.
The signed proposal is submitted to the associate dean for academic affairs for final approval.
Upon approval from the associate dean, students register for LDST 490, Independent Study.
The independent research experience culminates in a final written product.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: Used to obtain approval to register for LDST 490, Independent Study.
Deadline: At least two weeks prior to the beginning of classes for the semester in which the study is to take place.
Collaborative Study
Collaborative study provides students with the opportunity to conduct original research of scholarly value collaboratively with a Jepson faculty member on a project of theoretical or methodological importance to the faculty member’s program of research. Collaborative study must involve more than providing research assistance to an ongoing project; rather, the student must take responsibility for conducting original research of scholarly value. Collaborative study will be grounded in rigorous methods appropriate to the discipline in which the student is working.
Both leadership studies majors and minors may apply, but only leadership studies majors may count this coursework toward the advanced course requirement.
Application Process
Collaborative study proposals must be sponsored by a faculty mentor.
The signed proposal is submitted to the associate dean for academic affairs for final approval.
Upon approval from the associate dean, students register for LDST 491, Collaborative Study.
The collaborative research experience culminates in a final written product.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: Used to obtain approval to register for LDST 491, Collaborative Study.Deadline: End of the two-week add/drop period for the semester in which the study is to take place.
Directed Study
Directed study involves group reading and discussion in a specified area of leadership studies under faculty supervision. Students may receive 1 unit of credit for this course.
Leadership studies majors and minors.
Application Process
Directed study proposals must be sponsored by a faculty mentor.
The signed proposal is submitted to the associate dean for academic affairs for final approval.
Upon approval from the associate dean, students register for LDST 492, Directed Study.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: Used to obtain approval to register for LDST 492, Directed Study.
Deadline: At least two weeks prior to the beginning of classes for the semester in which the study is to take place.
Senior Thesis
Application: Used to obtain approval to register for LDST 495/496, Senior Thesis I/II. Note: Senior Thesis applications should not be used for Senior Honors Thesis.
Internship Funding
Leadership studies majors planning to fulfill their required Jepson internship in either the United States or abroad must select Burrus Fellowship as their first choice in the Slate application. The amount of the awards will be made according to the number of hours spent in the internship at the rate of $12.50/hour. The minimum number of hours is 240; the maximum is 400. For example:
- 10 weeks, 400 hours = $5,000 (maximum)
- 8 weeks, 320 hours = $4000
- 6 weeks, 240 hours = $3,000 (minimum)
More about the Robert L. Burrus Fellows Program.
Any leadership studies major completing an internship.
Application Process
Students must submit an application, which includes a description of the proposed internship, to the UR Summer Fellowships web portal via Slate. Instructions are available on the UR Summer Fellowships website.
The associate dean for student and external affairs presents applications to the Jepson School student affairs committee for approval based upon the quality of the internships described. Students are notified of award decisions by the associate dean for student and external affairs via email.
For U.S. citizens and U.S. persons for tax purposes, no taxes will be withheld from the payments and no year-end reporting, such as a Form 1099, will be provided to award recipients. However, this amount may still be considered taxable income. Refer to Guidelines for further details regarding funds disbursement and conditions of the award.
Forms and Deadlines
To apply: Please follow instructions on the UR Summer Fellowships website.
Deadline: Initial deadline Monday, March 24, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Final deadline is Friday, May 2, 2025 5:00 p.m.
Award notification: Mid-April for initial deadline.
Internship Resources
The following internship forms are utilized by leadership majors as they complete the experiential component of LDST 488 - Internship. Student interns may also access these forms in Blackboard as they progess through the internship experience. More about internships for leadership majors.
Jepson Internship Confirmation Form: Used to obtain pre-approval for an internship placement before beginning work at the site.
Deadline: Immediately upon acceptance of the internship offer (typically during spring semester of junior year).
Learning Contract: A formal agreement between the site supervisor and intern which describes in detail the particulars of the position itself as well as its associated learning objectives.
Deadline: End of first week at internship site.
Internship Site Evaluation: Online form completed by the student to provide feedback about his or her internship experience.
Deadline: Immediately after the site work is completed.
Site Supervisor Evaluation: Online form completed by the site supervisor to verify the student’s completion of the required 240 hours and to provide feedback about the student’s performance.
Deadline: Solicited by the associate dean for student and external affairs as the student completes his or her site work. Students need only ensure that the associate dean has the proper site supervisor name and contact information (typically an e-mail address).
Jablin Award for Undergraduate Research
The Fredric M. Jablin Award for Undergraduate Research is given in honor of Dr. Fredric Jablin, beloved professor and scholar at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, who had a passion for research and delighted in working with young scholars to foster this enthusiasm in them. This award is given to a Jepson School senior conducting research in a wide variety of fields under the guidance of either a professor at the University of Richmond or a qualified mentor elsewhere. More about the award.
Leadership studies majors and minors seniors.
Application Process
Students submit an application to the associate dean for student and external affairs by the last day of classes in the fall semester of the senior year. The application requires a written proposal as well as a letter of support from the sponsoring faculty mentor. Students must also submit a Faculty Support Form signed by their sponsoring faculty and two other faculty verifying that that the research is progressing in a satisfactory way to be considered for this award.
The associate dean for student and external affairs disseminates applications to the Jepson School Academic Affairs Committee and communicates award decisions.
The award recipient is recognized and celebrated at Finale, the Jepson School’s senior recognition and appreciation ceremony and reception each spring.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: This is the application for the Jablin Undergraduate Research Award, which should be accompanied by a letter of support from the sponsoring faculty member.
Faculty Support Form: This is the form that the sponsoring faculty and two other faculty must sign verifying the progress of the student’s research.
Deadline: Last day of class in the fall semester.
Jepson Scholarships
Jepson School scholarship funds are awarded from both the Richard S. Reynolds Scholarship and the Cleveland and Kathy Kern Scholarship. Though scholarships typically become part of a student’s financial aid package for an academic school year, scholarship funds can in some cases be used to support costs associated with summer study abroad programs or summer school.
Any leadership studies major or minor who is enrolled at the University as a full time student may apply for scholarship funds.
Application Process
Students submit an application, resume, and unoffical transcript to the associate dean for student and external affairs.
The associate dean for student and external affairs presents student applications to a Jepson School student affairs subcommittee. These are merit based scholarships. The subcommittee makes award decisions based upon multiple criteria including a student’s academic record, service to the school community, and financial need (based on input from the Financial Aid Office).
Award decisions are communicated by the associate dean for student and external affairs in April. Students will receive an official notification from the Financial Aid Office in early May.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: Used by full time Jepson School students to apply for scholarship funds.
Deadline: March 31
Leadership Development Travel Grants
Any leadership studies major may apply for funding to present the results of research at a professional conference or to attend special leadership development workshops, conferences, instittutes, and symposia. Costs that may be covered include transportation, lodging, meals, and registration fees.
Leadership studies majors
Application Process
Students submit an application to the associate dean for student and external affairs for consideration. Please download and save the application, which is a writable PDF.
Applications to attend a professional conference to present the results of research should be made separately from the application for research funding and only after a student’s paper or project has been accepted for presentation. A copy of the acceptance letter should be included in the application.
Applications may take up to six weeks to be evaluated and processed.
At the time a grant is made, an expiration date will be established consistent with the projected timetable contained in the application. All expenses must be submitted by that date.
Travel grant recipients must also submit a report summarizing grant expenditures within 30 days of the grant expiration date.
Refer to section III of Undergraduate Research Funding Guidelines for further details regarding funds disbursement and conditions of the grant.
Forms and Deadlines
Application: Used to obtain funding to present research or attend a conference related to the student’s studies in leadership. Please download and save the application, which is a writable PDF.
Deadline: Applications are accepted and considered on a continual basis but should be submitted six weeks in advance of travel.
Leadership Studies Major or Minor Change
Major and minor declarations are processed officially only during the first two weeks of each semester, though they may be submitted at any time.
Eligibility & Declaration Process
Current leadership studies majors or minors who wish to change their major or minor should complete the online Major/Minor Declaration form available on the Registrar’s website.
Forms and Deadlines
Forms are accepted by the Registrar on a continual basis, but a student’s official academic record will only be updated during the two-week add/drop period at the beginning of each term.
Non-Jepson students who wish to major or minor in leadership studies should contact Dr. Kerstin Soderlund, associate dean for student and internal affairs in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, to learn more about the application process.
Interested students apply for admission to the Jepson School during the fall semester of their second year. Once accepted for admission as a leadership studies major or minor, students wanting to make changes to their initial declaration can update their official academic record by completing the online Major/Minor Declaration form available on the Registrar’s website.
See leadership studies major and minor requirements here.
Research Grants
Research grants support projects that may range from an independent study to a senior honors thesis, to a joint student-faculty project in which either the student or the faculty member is the principle investigator. The project must be one, however, in which the student has significant input and involvement. The program does not fund faculty research assistants.
Leadership studies majors.
Application Process
Please use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari to complete the application. Please download and save the application to your computer. Complete the application off-line and save the completed application to your computer.
Students submit an application, written proposal, and letter of endorsement from a faculty supervisor to the associate dean for student and external affairs. A separate application is required for each project for which a grant is requested. Applications may be submitted individually or jointly by two or more eligible students.
The associate dean for student and external affairs disseminates applications to the Jepson School academic affairs committee and communicates with applicants regarding award decisions.
At the time a grant is made, an expiration date will be established consistent with the projected timetable contained in the application. Extensions beyond the original expiration date may be granted by the committee upon petition by the recipient and approval of the supervising faculty member.
Refer to section I of Undergraduate Research Funding Guidelines for further details regarding funds disbursement and conditions of the grant.
Forms and Deadlines
Please use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari to complete the application. Please download and save the application to your computer. Complete the application off-line and save the completed application to your computer.
Application: Used by leadership studies majors to request funds for research projects conducted during the academic year.
Deadline: Applications will be considered throughout the year, as research needs arise and as long as there are funds available. -
Study Abroad & Transfer Course Credit
Leadership studies majors may count a maximum of one unit of credit—for a course taken during study abroad (or for a non-Jepson course taken at the University of Richmond)—toward the leadership studies advanced course requirement. This course must enhance the student’s academic plan in leadership studies and cannot be at the introductory level.
Course approval will be made by the Academic Affairs Committee in consultation with Jepson’s associate dean for academic affairs and the student’s academic advisor.
This form should be completed PRIOR to taking the course, as post-approval requests may not transfer.
Leadership studies majors (not minors)
Study Abroad Application Process
- Students must first apply to a study abroad program and receive approval.
- Upon acceptance to study abroad, students should check the Study Abroad Database to see the list of courses that have received prior approval. For courses that will satisfy a Jepson advance elective, search for “LDST” in the search bar. (Alternatively, you can search by program name.) If your course is listed, there is nothing more you need to do.
- If your course is not listed in the database, that is no problem. Simply request approval by filling out the Study Abroad & Transfer Course Approval Form found on the Jepson website, along with the course syllabus to the associate dean for academic affairs. Note: When seeking leadership studies credit for business courses, students complete both the Jepson School’s form and the Robins School of Business Course Approval Form, available on the registrar’s website. Students receive an e-mail notification once the forms have been signed by the associate dean for academic affairs.
- Should you have any questions, study abroad advisors in International Education are available for help in answering questions and reviewing course offerings available at the UR semester abroad programs.
- To receive credit, an official transcript must be sent directly to the University of Richmond. For information regarding the transferability of credit from a UR semester abroad program, please visit the Registrar’s page here.
Forms and Deadlines
Request for study abroad credit: Used to obtain approval to count a maximum of one unit of study abroad credit toward the leadership studies advanced course requirement. Simply complete the Jepson School’s Study Abroad & Transfer Course Approval Form.
Deadline: As soon as possible after acceptance to a program
Request for transfer course credit: Used to obtain approval to count a maximum of one unit of credit from a UR (non-Jepson) course towards the leadership studies advanced course requirement. This course must approach questions or problems of leadership from a liberal arts perspective.
The Jepson School’s Study Abroad & Transfer Course Approval Form must be completed PRIOR to taking the course, as post-approval requests may not transfer. Course approval will be made by the Academic Affairs Committee in consultation with Jepson’s associate dean for academic affairs and the student’s academic advisor.
Deadline: As soon as possible, or once you have registered for the course
Summer Research Grants
Summer research grants provide a stipend for students who wish to immerse themselves in scholarly research in close collaboration with a faculty mentor. Grant recipients will be expected to write a paper during the summer their research is completed and will present the result of their scholarship (in conjunction with the faculty mentor) at a public event during the following academic year.
Leadership studies majors who have designated Jepson as their home school, typically rising juniors or seniors.
Students who wish to complete ten weeks of research in the summer will be eligible for a stipend of $5,000. Students who wish to conduct research in addition to a full-time internship experience may be eligible for a partial research stipend.
Application Process
Interested students must secure a Jepson School faculty member to serve as their mentor and submit an application with a written proposal using SLATE which can be found on the UR Summer Fellowship website. Instructions are available on the UR Summer Fellowships website.
The associate dean for student and external affairs disseminates applications to the Jepson School scholarship committee and communicates with applicants regarding award decisions.
Refer to section II of Undergraduate Research Funding Guidelines for further details regarding funds disbursement and conditions of the grant.
Forms and Deadlines
To apply, please follow instructions on the UR Summer Fellowships website.
Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.Award notification: By Spring Break