Dean's Update
July 2014
As we pass the halfway mark in 2014 and enter the languid days of summer, it is appropriate to reflect on the academic year just finished and the one ahead. I am proud of all that we accomplished this year, thanks in no small measure to you—our alumni, friends and supporters. You offered your time, ideas and support to enrich the School and the experiences of Jepson students. I am truly grateful.
In the fall, a new assistant professor will join the Jepson family. Historian Ernesto Semán specializes in leadership and politics in Latin America, U.S. foreign policy and the Cold War. We hope you will stop by to meet and welcome him if you are on campus. We will also welcome Anna Gryaznova and Hui Zhao. Gryaznova is an associate professor and associate dean of academic programs and international relations at Moscow State University. She will join us as part of our Simoniova Cmelikova Visiting Scholar Program in Leadership and Ethics. Zhao received her doctorate from Harvard University and will join us as the Marshall Center’s visiting research fellow.
The 2014-15 Jepson Leadership Forum, "Into the Fray: Global Perspectives on Conflict," promises to be exciting and timely. In the classroom, I am looking forward to broadening the focus of my Leadership and Economic Policy course. It’s shaping up to be a busy year. I’m looking forward to it.
Best wishes for the rest of your summer and the year ahead,
Sandra J. Peart
Dean, Jepson School of Leadership Studies
University of Richmond