Dean's Update
Fall 2010
This is another exciting year for the University of Richmond and the Jepson School. Football has returned to campus; we have a new home for international education; construction continues on Queally Hall; and applications to Jepson are up 46 percent this year compared to just a few years ago.
We also celebrate key continuities. Students have returned this fall eager to learn about leadership. Our faculty members are teaching courses with both familiar names and new titles, including Judicial Leadership and Shakespeare and the Politics of Leadership. And I'm delighted to once again teach Competition, Cooperation, and Choice, cross-listed with economics.
This year is filled with terrific programs. We recently hosted an ethics symposium in collaboration with the Robins School and the School of Law featuring practitioners and scholars from varied disciplines. In November, the Jepson School will host the Mid-Atlantic Ethics Bowl for the second year in a row. And the Jepson Leadership Forum highlights global leadership and international challenges and features Nobel Laureate F. W. de Klerk and CNN's Ali Velshi.
I would be delighted to see you at any or all events; simply email me at speart@richmond.edu. Better yet, stop by and see me and your former teachers. Our doors are always open.
Sandra J. Peart
Dean, Jepson School of Leadership Studies
University of Richmond