Dean's Update
June 2011
As we pause between two academic years, we reflect on the past year and eagerly await the start of the next.
Last year we had wonderful speakers on campus and in our classes, hosted numerous conferences and events, and graduated a truly outstanding class. The class of 2011 comprised 8 percent of all graduates from the University, yet they comprised 13 percent of the University’s Phi Beta Kappa recipients, 29 percent of its students elected to Mortar Board, and 25 percent of its students admitted into Omicron Delta Kappa. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors and know they will make us proud.
In the midst of a busy summer – students are conducting research with faculty members, completing internships, or taking part in the Jepson at Cambridge program, faculty members are busy writing books, and Jepson is hosting the annual Summer Institute for the Preservation of the History of Economic Thought – we are also looking forward to the fall.
The Jepson Leadership Forum 2011-12 season – Game Changers: How Women Lead and Change the World – promises to be spectacular. And the Jepson School turns 20 in 2012. After 20 years, we continue to affirm that a School of Leadership Studies within the liberal arts tradition, emphasizing critical thinking and leadership ethics, forms a strong palliative against the ethical flaws we all-too-frequently observe around us. Stay tuned for information about how we will celebrate this milestone and mark this exciting time in the life of the School.
Sandra J. Peart
Dean, Jepson School of Leadership Studies
University of Richmond