Dean's Update
December 2010
It has been a truly outstanding fall at the Jepson School. We welcomed 76 new students from the class of 2013 into the School at Prelude in November. Dr. Joshua Walker, '03, the School's first alumnus to return as a professor, delivered the keynote address and encouraged students to take advantage of unique learning opportunities at Jepson.
Some of those opportunities this semester included field trips, such as the one to Gettysburg led by Dr. George (Al) Goethals and Gen. John Mountcastle, unique courses such as Dr. Tom Wren's Judicial Leadership that gave first-year students an opportunity to participate in a few mock trials, and Dr. Hickman's Theories and Models of Leadership class that invited alumni to share their insights and advice.
The Jepson Leadership Forum, the Kaleidoscope series, and the Marshall Center Lecture Series all hosted terrific speakers and scholars such as John Milton Cooper, Cleve Jones, and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jack Rakove. And the Jepson School hosted the Mid-Atlantic Ethics bowl for the second year in a row.
In another first, we held a tailgate on campus last month for alumni, students, and faculty to connect. As the semester comes to a close, I am especially grateful for the dedicated faculty, staff, students, and alumni who work to make the Jepson School so successful.
Sandra J. Peart
Dean, Jepson School of Leadership Studies
University of Richmond