Jepson School of Leadership Studies Feature Stories

Courtney Simpson, '25, wearing a floral blouse, stands in front of a bookcase in the Jepson Faculty Lounge.
Investing in sustainability

A summer internship introduced senior Courtney Simpson to a career in sustainable investing. A return offer ensured she can continue to pursue her newfound interest.

Free speech advocate Greg Lukianoff gestures with his hand while talking to the McDowell Student Fellows on Feb. 3.
Speaking his mind

Civil liberties activist defends free speech as critical in the quest for knowledge.

Headshot of Eric Van Der Hyde resting one arm on a table
Building nest eggs

Alum offers his clients guidance and reassurance through strategic financial planning.

Mark Hickman standing by the Virginia flag in a Virginia General Assembly committee room
Health advocacy

Health care advocate lobbies on behalf of a premiere Virginia public teaching and research hospital.